... And Cricket

As the balmy temperatures of 2006 become a distant memory, I look back at the spring and summer with fondness. After all it was this year that I learnt of my becoming a father all over again. Vacations to Orlando and London. M turning 3.
... And cricket.
(Hard) tennis ball, make-your-own-rules-as-you-deem-fit, LBW?-what-the-heck-is-that? cricket.
Thanks to the initiative of a couple of die-hards we started playing at the ungodly hour of 8 AM on Sundays. Granted that most didn't make it at the appointed time, matches however began around 8:30. Many didn't make it on all Sundays - hung-over, partying all night, working all night, couldn't get up, spousal reprisal. Despite the odds, the lure of a work-out and the astro-turf at UC drew a core group of players that got a decent game going.
Amid the cacophony of flailing arms, miffed catches, excuses, twisted knees and pulled muscles were moments of fun, competition, exercise and brilliance. Asthma and ulcerative colitis notwithstanding, I look forward to summer 2007.
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